2023-10-11 10:46:14 +03:00
import { _ as wn } from "./iframe-c002aa37.js" ; import { g as Ca , c as Su } from "./_commonjsHelpers-725317a4.js" ; import { L as Uf , v as fy } from "./index-d37d4223.js" ; import { g as qf , j as my , k as Wf , l as gy , i as Li , m as hy , n as yy , o as vy , p as by , q as Gf , s as Ey , r as Kf , t as xy , u as wy , v as Sy , w as Cy , x as Ay , y as ky , z as Yf , A as _y , B as Oy , C as Xf , _ as Ty , D as Fy , E as Ry , F as Xc , G as Qf , H as Jf , I as e2 , J as Ly , K as Dy , L as My , M as By , d as e1 , N as Os , S as Cu } from "./index-f073aaf1.js" ; import { d as Qe } from "./index-356e4a49.js" ; function $y ( e , t ) { for ( var n = 0 ; n < t . length ; n ++ ) { const r = t [ n ] ; if ( typeof r != "string" && ! Array . isArray ( r ) ) { for ( const a in r ) if ( a !== "default" && ! ( a in e ) ) { const o = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( r , a ) ; o && Object . defineProperty ( e , a , o . get ? o : { enumerable : ! 0 , get : ( ) => r [ a ] } ) } } } return Object . freeze ( Object . defineProperty ( e , Symbol . toStringTag , { value : "Module" } ) ) } var t2 = { exports : { } } , Y = { } ; / * *
2023-10-11 10:29:52 +03:00
* @ license React
* react . production . min . js
* Copyright ( c ) Facebook , Inc . and its affiliates .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* /var Uo=Symbol.for("react.element"),Iy=Symbol.for("react.portal"),Ny=Symbol.for("react.fragment"),Py=Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"),jy=Symbol.for("react.profiler"),Hy=Symbol.for("react.provider"),Zy=Symbol.for("react.context"),zy=Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"),Vy=Symbol.for("react.suspense"),Uy=Symbol.for("react.memo"),qy=Symbol.for("react.lazy"),t1=Symbol.iterator;function Wy(e){return e===null||typeof e!="object"?null:(e=t1&&e[t1]||e["@@iterator"],typeof e=="function"?e:null)}var n2={isMounted:function(){return!1},enqueueForceUpdate:function(){},enqueueReplaceState:function(){},enqueueSetState:function(){}},r2=Object.assign,a2={};function Aa(e,t,n){this.props=e,this.context=t,this.refs=a2,this.updater=n||n2}Aa.prototype.isReactComponent={};Aa.prototype.setState=function(e,t){if(typeof e!="object"&&typeof e!="function"&&e!=null)throw Error("setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables.");this.updater.enqueueSetState(this,e,t,"setState")};Aa.prototype.forceUpdate=function(e){this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this,e,"forceUpdate")};function o2(){}o2.prototype=Aa.prototype;function Qc(e,t,n){this.props=e,this.context=t,this.refs=a2,this.updater=n||n2}var Jc=Qc.prototype=new o2;Jc.constructor=Qc;r2(Jc,Aa.prototype);Jc.isPureReactComponent=!0;var n1=Array.isArray,l2=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,e0={current:null},i2={key:!0,ref:!0,__self:!0,__source:!0};function u2(e,t,n){var r,a={},o=null,i=null;if(t!=null)for(r in t.ref!==void 0&&(i=t.ref),t.key!==void 0&&(o=""+t.key),t)l2.call(t,r)&&!i2.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(a[r]=t[r]);var s=arguments.length-2;if(s===1)a.children=n;else if(1<s){for(var u=Array(s),c=0;c<s;c++)u[c]=arguments[c+2];a.children=u}if(e&&e.defaultProps)for(r in s=e.defaultProps,s)a[r]===void 0&&(a[r]=s[r]);return{$$typeof:Uo,type:e,key:o,ref:i,props:a,_owner:e0.current}}function Gy(e,t){return{$$typeof:Uo,type:e.type,key:t,ref:e.ref,props:e.props,_owner:e._owner}}function t0(e){return typeof e=="object"&&e!==null&&e.$$typeof===Uo}function Ky(e){var t={"=":"=0",":":"=2"};return"$"+e.replace(/ [ = : ] / g , function ( n ) { return t [ n ] } ) } var r1 = /\/+/g ; function Au ( e , t ) { return typeof e == "object" && e !== null && e . key != null ? Ky ( "" + e . key ) : t . toString ( 36 ) } function Tl ( e , t , n , r , a ) { var o = typeof e ; ( o === "undefined" || o === "boolean" ) && ( e = null ) ; var i = ! 1 ; if ( e === null ) i = ! 0 ; else switch ( o ) { case "string" : case "number" : i = ! 0 ; break ; case "object" : switch ( e . $$typeof ) { case Uo : case Iy : i = ! 0 } } if ( i ) return i = e , a = a ( i ) , e = r === "" ? "." + Au ( i , 0 ) : r , n1 ( a ) ? ( n = "" , e != null && ( n = e . replace ( r1 , "$&/" ) + "/" ) , Tl ( a , t , n , "" , function ( c ) { return c } ) ) : a != null && ( t0 ( a ) && ( a = Gy ( a , n + ( ! a . key || i && i . key === a . key ? "" : ( "" + a . key ) . replace ( r1 , "$&/" ) + "/" ) + e ) ) , t . push ( a ) ) , 1 ; if ( i = 0 , r = r === "" ? "." : r + ":" , n1 ( e ) ) for ( var s = 0 ; s < e . length ; s ++ ) { o = e [ s ] ; var u = r + Au ( o , s ) ; i += Tl ( o , t , n , u , a ) } else if ( u = Wy ( e ) , typeof u == "function" ) for ( e = u . call ( e ) , s = 0 ; ! ( o = e . next ( ) ) . done ; ) o = o . value , u = r + Au ( o , s ++ ) , i += Tl ( o , t , n , u , a ) ; else if ( o === "object" ) throw t = String ( e ) , Error ( "Objects are not valid as a React child (found: " + ( t === "[object Object]" ? "object with keys {" + Object . keys ( e ) . join ( ", " ) + "}" : t ) + "). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead." ) ; return i } function al ( e , t , n ) { if ( e == null ) return e ; var r = [ ] , a = 0 ; return Tl ( e , r , "" , "" , function ( o ) { return t . call ( n , o , a ++ ) } ) , r } function Yy ( e ) { if ( e . _status === - 1 ) { var t = e . _result ; t = t ( ) , t . then ( function ( n ) { ( e . _status === 0 || e . _status === - 1 ) && ( e . _status = 1 , e . _result = n ) } , function ( n ) { ( e . _status === 0 || e . _status === - 1 ) && ( e . _status = 2 , e . _result = n ) } ) , e . _status === - 1 && ( e . _status = 0 , e . _result = t ) } if ( e . _status === 1 ) return e . _result . default ; throw e . _result } var We = { current : null } , Fl = { transition : null } , Xy = { ReactCurrentDispatcher : We , ReactCurrentBatchConfig : Fl , ReactCurrentOwner : e0 } ; Y . Children = { map : al , forEach : function ( e , t , n ) { al ( e , function ( ) { t . apply ( this , arguments ) } , n ) } , count : function ( e ) { var t = 0 ; return al ( e , function ( ) { t ++ } ) , t } , toArray : function ( e ) { return al ( e , function ( t ) { return t } ) || [ ] } , only : function ( e ) { if ( ! t0 ( e ) ) throw Error ( "React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child." ) ; return e } } ; Y . Component = Aa ; Y . Fragment = Ny ; Y . Profiler = jy ; Y . Pure
` ,2: ` Passed invalid arguments to hsla , please pass multiple numbers e . g . hsla ( 360 , 0.75 , 0.4 , 0.7 ) or an object e . g . rgb ( { hue : 255 , saturation : 0.4 , lightness : 0.75 , alpha : 0.7 } ) .
` ,3: ` Passed an incorrect argument to a color function , please pass a string representation of a color .
` ,4: ` Couldn ' t generate valid rgb string from % s , it returned % s .
` ,5: ` Couldn ' t parse the color string . Please provide the color as a string in hex , rgb , rgba , hsl or hsla notation .
` ,6: ` Passed invalid arguments to rgb , please pass multiple numbers e . g . rgb ( 255 , 205 , 100 ) or an object e . g . rgb ( { red : 255 , green : 205 , blue : 100 } ) .
` ,7: ` Passed invalid arguments to rgba , please pass multiple numbers e . g . rgb ( 255 , 205 , 100 , 0.75 ) or an object e . g . rgb ( { red : 255 , green : 205 , blue : 100 , alpha : 0.75 } ) .
` ,8: ` Passed invalid argument to toColorString , please pass a RgbColor , RgbaColor , HslColor or HslaColor object .
` ,9: ` Please provide a number of steps to the modularScale helper .
` ,10: ` Please pass a number or one of the predefined scales to the modularScale helper as the ratio .
` ,11: ` Invalid value passed as base to modularScale , expected number or em string but got "%s"
` ,12: ` Expected a string ending in "px" or a number passed as the first argument to % s ( ) , got "%s" instead .
` ,13: ` Expected a string ending in "px" or a number passed as the second argument to % s ( ) , got "%s" instead .
` ,14: ` Passed invalid pixel value ( "%s" ) to % s ( ) , please pass a value like "12px" or 12.
` ,15: ` Passed invalid base value ( "%s" ) to % s ( ) , please pass a value like "12px" or 12.
` ,16: ` You must provide a template to this method .
` ,17: ` You passed an unsupported selector state to this method .
` ,18: ` minScreen and maxScreen must be provided as stringified numbers with the same units .
` ,19: ` fromSize and toSize must be provided as stringified numbers with the same units .
` ,20: ` expects either an array of objects or a single object with the properties prop , fromSize , and toSize .
` ,21:"expects the objects in the first argument array to have the properties ` prop ` , ` fromSize ` , and ` toSize ` . \n \n ",22:"expects the first argument object to have the properties ` prop ` , ` fromSize ` , and ` toSize ` . \n \n ",23: ` fontFace expects a name of a font - family .
` ,24: ` fontFace expects either the path to the font file ( s ) or a name of a local copy .
` ,25: ` fontFace expects localFonts to be an array .
` ,26: ` fontFace expects fileFormats to be an array .
` ,27: ` radialGradient requries at least 2 color - stops to properly render .
` ,28: ` Please supply a filename to retinaImage ( ) as the first argument .
` ,29: ` Passed invalid argument to triangle , please pass correct pointingDirection e . g . 'right' .
` ,30:"Passed an invalid value to ` height ` or ` width ` . Please provide a pixel based unit. \n \n ",31: ` The animation shorthand only takes 8 arguments . See the specification for more information : http : //mdn.io/animation
` ,32: ` To pass multiple animations please supply them in arrays , e . g . animation ( [ 'rotate' , '2s' ] , [ 'move' , '1s' ] )
To pass a single animation please supply them in simple values , e . g . animation ( 'rotate' , '2s' )
` ,33: ` The animation shorthand arrays can only have 8 elements . See the specification for more information : http : //mdn.io/animation
` ,34: ` borderRadius expects a radius value as a string or number as the second argument .
` ,35: ` borderRadius expects one of "top" , "bottom" , "left" or "right" as the first argument .
` ,36: ` Property must be a string value .
` ,37: ` Syntax Error at % s .
` ,38: ` Formula contains a function that needs parentheses at % s .
` ,39: ` Formula is missing closing parenthesis at % s .
` ,40: ` Formula has too many closing parentheses at % s .
` ,41: ` All values in a formula must have the same unit or be unitless .
` ,42: ` Please provide a number of steps to the modularScale helper .
` ,43: ` Please pass a number or one of the predefined scales to the modularScale helper as the ratio .
` ,44: ` Invalid value passed as base to modularScale , expected number or em / rem string but got % s .
` ,45: ` Passed invalid argument to hslToColorString , please pass a HslColor or HslaColor object .
` ,46: ` Passed invalid argument to rgbToColorString , please pass a RgbColor or RgbaColor object .
` ,47: ` minScreen and maxScreen must be provided as stringified numbers with the same units .
` ,48: ` fromSize and toSize must be provided as stringified numbers with the same units .
` ,49: ` Expects either an array of objects or a single object with the properties prop , fromSize , and toSize .
` ,50: ` Expects the objects in the first argument array to have the properties prop , fromSize , and toSize .
` ,51: ` Expects the first argument object to have the properties prop , fromSize , and toSize .
` ,52: ` fontFace expects either the path to the font file ( s ) or a name of a local copy .
` ,53: ` fontFace expects localFonts to be an array .
` ,54: ` fontFace expects fileFormats to be an array .
` ,55: ` fontFace expects a name of a font - family .
` ,56: ` linearGradient requries at least 2 color - stops to properly render .
` ,57: ` radialGradient requries at least 2 color - stops to properly render .
` ,58: ` Please supply a filename to retinaImage ( ) as the first argument .
` ,59: ` Passed invalid argument to triangle , please pass correct pointingDirection e . g . 'right' .
` ,60:"Passed an invalid value to ` height ` or ` width ` . Please provide a pixel based unit. \n \n ",61: ` Property must be a string value .
` ,62: ` borderRadius expects a radius value as a string or number as the second argument .
` ,63: ` borderRadius expects one of "top" , "bottom" , "left" or "right" as the first argument .
` ,64: ` The animation shorthand only takes 8 arguments . See the specification for more information : http : //mdn.io/animation.
` ,65: ` To pass multiple animations please supply them in arrays , e . g . animation ( [ 'rotate' , '2s' ] , [ 'move' , '1s' ] ) \ \ nTo pass a single animation please supply them in simple values , e . g . animation ( 'rotate' , '2s' ) .
` ,66: ` The animation shorthand arrays can only have 8 elements . See the specification for more information : http : //mdn.io/animation.
` ,67: ` You must provide a template to this method .
` ,68: ` You passed an unsupported selector state to this method .
` ,69: ` Expected a string ending in "px" or a number passed as the first argument to % s ( ) , got % s instead .
` ,70: ` Expected a string ending in "px" or a number passed as the second argument to % s ( ) , got % s instead .
` ,71: ` Passed invalid pixel value % s to % s ( ) , please pass a value like "12px" or 12.
` ,72: ` Passed invalid base value % s to % s ( ) , please pass a value like "12px" or 12.
` ,73: ` Please provide a valid CSS variable .
` ,74: ` CSS variable not found and no default was provided .
` ,75: ` important requires a valid style object , got a % s instead .
` ,76: ` fromSize and toSize must be provided as stringified numbers with the same units as minScreen and maxScreen .
` ,77: ` remToPx expects a value in "rem" but you provided it in "%s" .
` ,78: ` base must be set in "px" or "%" but you set it in "%s" .
` };function cv(){for(var e=arguments.length,t=new Array(e),n=0;n<e;n++)t[n]=arguments[n];var r=t[0],a=[],o;for(o=1;o<t.length;o+=1)a.push(t[o]);return a.forEach(function(i){r=r.replace(/%[a-z]/,i)}),r}var nn=function(e){lv(t,e);function t(n){for(var r,a=arguments.length,o=new Array(a>1?a-1:0),i=1;i<a;i++)o[i-1]=arguments[i];return r=e.call(this,cv.apply(void 0,[sv[n]].concat(o)))||this,ov(r)}return t}(Fs(Error));function ku(e){return Math.round(e*255)}function dv(e,t,n){return ku(e)+","+ku(t)+","+ku(n)}function mo(e,t,n,r){if(r===void 0&&(r=dv),t===0)return r(n,n,n);var a=(e%360+360)%360/60,o=(1-Math.abs(2*n-1))*t,i=o*(1-Math.abs(a%2-1)),s=0,u=0,c=0;a>=0&&a<1?(s=o,u=i):a>=1&&a<2?(s=i,u=o):a>=2&&a<3?(u=o,c=i):a>=3&&a<4?(u=i,c=o):a>=4&&a<5?(s=i,c=o):a>=5&&a<6&&(s=o,c=i);var d=n-o/2,m=s+d,f=u+d,p=c+d;return r(m,f,p)}var o1={aliceblue:"f0f8ff",antiquewhite:"faebd7",aqua:"00ffff",aquamarine:"7fffd4",azure:"f0ffff",beige:"f5f5dc",bisque:"ffe4c4",black:"000",blanchedalmond:"ffebcd",blue:"0000ff",blueviolet:"8a2be2",brown:"a52a2a",burlywood:"deb887",cadetblue:"5f9ea0",chartreuse:"7fff00",chocolate:"d2691e",coral:"ff7f50",cornflowerblue:"6495ed",cornsilk:"fff8dc",crimson:"dc143c",cyan:"00ffff",darkblue:"00008b",darkcyan:"008b8b",darkgoldenrod:"b8860b",darkgray:"a9a9a9",darkgreen:"006400",darkgrey:"a9a9a9",darkkhaki:"bdb76b",darkmagenta:"8b008b",darkolivegreen:"556b2f",darkorange:"ff8c00",darkorchid:"9932cc",darkred:"8b0000",darksalmon:"e9967a",darkseagreen:"8fbc8f",darkslateblue:"483d8b",darkslategray:"2f4f4f",darkslategrey:"2f4f4f",darkturquoise:"00ced1",darkviolet:"9400d3",deeppink:"ff1493",deepskyblue:"00bfff",dimgray:"696969",dimgrey:"696969",dodgerblue:"1e90ff",firebrick:"b22222",floralwhite:"fffaf0",forestgreen:"228b22",fuchsia:"ff00ff",gainsboro:"dcdcdc",ghostwhite:"f8f8ff",gold:"ffd700",goldenrod:"daa520",gray:"808080",green:"008000",greenyellow:"adff2f",grey:"808080",honeydew:"f0fff0",hotpink:"ff69b4",indianred:"cd5c5c",indigo:"4b0082",ivory:"fffff0",khaki:"f0e68c",lavender:"e6e6fa",lavenderblush:"fff0f5",lawngreen:"7cfc00",lemonchiffon:"fffacd",lightblue:"add8e6",lightcoral:"f08080",lightcyan:"e0ffff",lightgoldenrodyellow:"fafad2",lightgray:"d3d3d3",lightgreen:"90ee90",lightgrey:"d3d3d3",lightpink:"ffb6c1",lightsalmon:"ffa07a",lightseagreen:"20b2aa",lightskyblue:"87cefa",lightslategray:"789",lightslategrey:"789",lightsteelblue:"b0c4de",lightyellow:"ffffe0",lime:"0f0",limegreen:"32cd32",linen:"faf0e6",magenta:"f0f",maroon:"800000",mediumaquamarine:"66cdaa",mediumblue:"0000cd",mediumorchid:"ba55d3",mediumpurple:"9370db",mediumseagreen:"3cb371",mediumslateblue:"7b68ee",mediumspringgreen:"00fa9a",mediumturquoise:"48d1cc",mediumvioletred:"c71585",midnightblue:"191970",mintcream:"f5fffa",mistyrose:"ffe4e1",moccasin:"ffe4b5",navajowhite:"ffdead",navy:"000080",oldlace:"fdf5e6",olive:"808000",olivedrab:"6b8e23",orange:"ffa500",orangered:"ff4500",orchid:"da70d6",palegoldenrod:"eee8aa",palegreen:"98fb98",paleturquoise:"afeeee",palevioletred:"db7093",papayawhip:"ffefd5",peachpuff:"ffdab9",peru:"cd853f",pink:"ffc0cb",plum:"dda0dd",powderblue:"b0e0e6",purple:"800080",rebeccapurple:"639",red:"f00",rosybrown:"bc8f8f",royalblue:"4169e1",saddlebrown:"8b4513",salmon:"fa8072",sandybrown:"f4a460",seagreen:"2e8b57",seashell:"fff5ee",sienna:"a0522d",silver:"c0c0c0",skyblue:"87ceeb",slateblue:"6a5acd",slategray:"708090",slategrey:"708090",snow:"fffafa",springgreen:"00ff7f",steelblue:"4682b4",tan:"d2b48c",teal:"008080",thistle:"d8bfd8",tomato:"ff6347",turquoise:"40e0d0",violet:"ee82ee",wheat:"f5deb3",white:"fff",whitesmoke:"f5f5f5",yellow:"ff0",yellowgreen:"9acd32"};function pv(e){if(typeof e!="string")return e;var t=e.toLowerCase();return o1[t]?"#"+o1[t]:e}var fv=/^#[a-fA-F0-9]{6} $ /,mv=/^#[a-fA-F0-9]{8} $ /,gv=/^#[a-fA-F0-9]{3} $ /,hv=/^#[a-fA-F0-9]{4} $ /,_u=/^rgb \( \s *( \d {1,3}) \s *(?:,)? \s *( \d {1,3}) \s *(?:,)? \s *( \d {1,3}) \s * \) $ /i,yv=/^rgb(?:a)? \( \s *( \d {1,3}) \s *(?:,)? \s *( \d {1,3}) \s *(?:,)? \s *( \d {1,3}) \s *(?:,| \/ ) \s *([-+]? \d *[.]? \d +[%]?) \s * \) $ /i,vv=/^hsl \( \s *( \d {0,3}[.]?[0-9]+(?:deg)?) \s *(?:,)? \s *( \d {1,3}[.]?[0-9]?)% \s *(?:,)? \s *( \d {1,3}[.]?[0-9]?)% \s * \) $
` +n+" \n \n ` @ import ` rules must be before all other types of rules in a stylesheet but other rules have already been inserted. Please ensure that ` @ import ` rules are before all other rules."),this._alreadyInsertedOrderInsensitiveRule=this._alreadyInsertedOrderInsensitiveRule||!a,this.isSpeedy){var o=t3(r);try{o.insertRule(n,o.cssRules.length)}catch(i){/:(-moz-placeholder|-moz-focus-inner|-moz-focusring|-ms-input-placeholder|-moz-read-write|-moz-read-only|-ms-clear|-ms-expand|-ms-reveal){/.test(n)||console.error('There was a problem inserting the following rule: "'+n+'"',i)}}else r.appendChild(document.createTextNode(n));this.ctr++},t.flush=function(){this.tags.forEach(function(n){return n.parentNode&&n.parentNode.removeChild(n)}),this.tags=[],this.ctr=0,this._alreadyInsertedOrderInsensitiveRule=!1},e}(),Pe="-ms-",ti="-moz-",te="-webkit-",o0="comm",l0="rule",i0="decl",a3="@import",E2="@keyframes",o3="@layer",l3=Math.abs,Ii=String.fromCharCode,i3=Object.assign;function u3(e,t){return Fe(e,0)^45?(((t<<2^Fe(e,0))<<2^Fe(e,1))<<2^Fe(e,2))<<2^Fe(e,3):0}function x2(e){return e.trim()}function s3(e,t){return(e=t.exec(e))?e[0]:e}function ne(e,t,n){return e.replace(t,n)}function Ms(e,t){return e.indexOf(t)}function Fe(e,t){return e.charCodeAt(t)|0}function ho(e,t,n){return e.slice(t,n)}function Qt(e){return e.length}function u0(e){return e.length}function ll(e,t){return t.push(e),e}function c3(e,t){return e.map(t).join("")}var Ni=1,ua=1,w2=0,ot=0,ve=0,ka="";function Pi(e,t,n,r,a,o,i){return{value:e,root:t,parent:n,type:r,props:a,children:o,line:Ni,column:ua,length:i,return:""}}function Ia(e,t){return i3(Pi("",null,null,"",null,null,0),e,{length:-e.length},t)}function d3(){return ve}function p3(){return ve=ot>0?Fe(ka,--ot):0,ua--,ve===10&&(ua=1,Ni--),ve}function st(){return ve=ot<w2?Fe(ka,ot++):0,ua++,ve===10&&(ua=1,Ni++),ve}function ln(){return Fe(ka,ot)}function Ll(){return ot}function qo(e,t){return ho(ka,e,t)}function yo(e){switch(e){case 0:case 9:case 10:case 13:case 32:return 5;case 33:case 43:case 44:case 47:case 62:case 64:case 126:case 59:case 123:case 125:return 4;case 58:return 3;case 34:case 39:case 40:case 91:return 2;case 41:case 93:return 1}return 0}function S2(e){return Ni=ua=1,w2=Qt(ka=e),ot=0,[]}function C2(e){return ka="",e}function Dl(e){return x2(qo(ot-1,Bs(e===91?e+2:e===40?e+1:e)))}function f3(e){for(;(ve=ln())&&ve<33;)st();return yo(e)>2||yo(ve)>3?"":" "}function m3(e,t){for(;--t&&st()&&!(ve<48||ve>102||ve>57&&ve<65||ve>70&&ve<97););return qo(e,Ll()+(t<6&&ln()==32&&st()==32))}function Bs(e){for(;st();)switch(ve){case e:return ot;case 34:case 39:e!==34&&e!==39&&Bs(ve);break;case 40:e===41&&Bs(e);break;case 92:st();break}return ot}function g3(e,t){for(;st()&&e+ve!==47+10&&!(e+ve===42+42&&ln()===47););return"/*"+qo(t,ot-1)+"*"+Ii(e===47?e:st())}function h3(e){for(;!yo(ln());)st();return qo(e,ot)}function y3(e){return C2(Ml("",null,null,null,[""],e=S2(e),0,[0],e))}function Ml(e,t,n,r,a,o,i,s,u){for(var c=0,d=0,m=i,f=0,p=0,y=0,g=1,w=1,h=1,v=0,b="",E=a,x=o,S=r,A=b;w;)switch(y=v,v=st()){case 40:if(y!=108&&Fe(A,m-1)==58){Ms(A+=ne(Dl(v),"&","& \f "),"& \f ")!=-1&&(h=-1);break}case 34:case 39:case 91:A+=Dl(v);break;case 9:case 10:case 13:case 32:A+=f3(y);break;case 92:A+=m3(Ll()-1,7);continue;case 47:switch(ln()){case 42:case 47:ll(v3(g3(st(),Ll()),t,n),u);break;default:A+="/"}break;case 123*g:s[c++]=Qt(A)*h;case 125*g:case 59:case 0:switch(v){case 0:case 125:w=0;case 59+d:h==-1&&(A=ne(A,/ \f /g,"")),p>0&&Qt(A)-m&&ll(p>32?u1(A+";",r,n,m-1):u1(ne(A," ","")+";",r,n,m-2),u);break;case 59:A+=";";default:if(ll(S=i1(A,t,n,c,d,a,s,b,E=[],x=[],m),o),v===123)if(d===0)Ml(A,t,S,S,E,o,m,s,x);else switch(f===99&&Fe(A,3)===110?100:f){case 100:case 108:case 109:case 115:Ml(e,S,S,r&&ll(i1(e,S,S,0,0,a,s,b,a,E=[],m),x),a,x,m,s,r?E:x);break;default:Ml(A,S,S,S,[""],x,0,s,x)}}c=d=p=0,g=h=1,b=A="",m=i;break;case 58:m=1+Qt(A),p=y;default:if(g<1){if(v==123)--g;else if(v==125&&g++==0&&p3()==125)continue}switch(A+=Ii(v),v*g){case 38:h=d>0?1:(A+=" \f ",-1);break;case 44:s[c++]=(Qt(A)-1)*h,h=1;break;case 64:ln()===45&&(A+=Dl(st())),f=ln(),d=m=Qt(b=A+=h3(L
If multiple caches share the same key they might "fight" for each other 's style elements.`);if(t==="css"){var n=document.querySelectorAll("style[data-emotion]:not([data-s])");Array.prototype.forEach.call(n,function(y){var g=y.getAttribute("data-emotion");g.indexOf(" ")!==-1&&(document.head.appendChild(y),y.setAttribute("data-s",""))})}var r=e.stylisPlugins||L3;if(/[^a-z-]/.test(t))throw new Error(' Emotion key must only contain lower case alphabetical characters and - but "'+t+'" was passed ');var a={},o,i=[];o=e.container||document.head,Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll(' style [ data - emotion ^= "'+t+' " ] '),function(y){for(var g=y.getAttribute("data-emotion").split(" "),w=1;w<g.length;w++)a[g[w]]=!0;i.push(y)});var s,u=[C3,A3];u.push(O3({get compat(){return p.compat}}),F3);{var c,d=[b3,function(y){y.root||(y.return?c.insert(y.return):y.value&&y.type!==o0&&c.insert(y.value+"{}"))}],m=E3(u.concat(r,d)),f=function(y){return ta(y3(y),m)};s=function(y,g,w,h){c=w,g.map!==void 0&&(c={insert:function(v){w.insert(v+g.map)}}),f(y?y+"{"+g.styles+"}":g.styles),h&&(p.inserted[g.name]=!0)}}var p={key:t,sheet:new r3({key:t,container:o,nonce:e.nonce,speedy:e.speedy,prepend:e.prepend,insertionPoint:e.insertionPoint}),nonce:e.nonce,inserted:a,registered:{},insert:s};return p.sheet.hydrate(i),p};d2(v2());var M3=!0;function s0(e,t,n){var r="";return n.split(" ").forEach(function(a){e[a]!==void 0?t.push(e[a]+";"):r+=a+" "}),r}var ji=function(e,t,n){var r=e.key+"-"+t.name;(n===!1||M3===!1)&&e.registered[r]===void 0&&(e.registered[r]=t.styles)},Hi=function(e,t,n){ji(e,t,n);var r=e.key+"-"+t.name;if(e.inserted[t.name]===void 0){var a=t;do e.insert(t===a?"."+r:"",a,e.sheet,!0),a=a.next;while(a!==void 0)}};function B3(e){for(var t=0,n,r=0,a=e.length;a>=4;++r,a-=4)n=e.charCodeAt(r)&255|(e.charCodeAt(++r)&255)<<8|(e.charCodeAt(++r)&255)<<16|(e.charCodeAt(++r)&255)<<24,n=(n&65535)*1540483477+((n>>>16)*59797<<16),n^=n>>>24,t=(n&65535)*1540483477+((n>>>16)*59797<<16)^(t&65535)*1540483477+((t>>>16)*59797<<16);switch(a){case 3:t^=(e.charCodeAt(r+2)&255)<<16;case 2:t^=(e.charCodeAt(r+1)&255)<<8;case 1:t^=e.charCodeAt(r)&255,t=(t&65535)*1540483477+((t>>>16)*59797<<16)}return t^=t>>>13,t=(t&65535)*1540483477+((t>>>16)*59797<<16),((t^t>>>15)>>>0).toString(36)}var $3={animationIterationCount:1,aspectRatio:1,borderImageOutset:1,borderImageSlice:1,borderImageWidth:1,boxFlex:1,boxFlexGroup:1,boxOrdinalGroup:1,columnCount:1,columns:1,flex:1,flexGrow:1,flexPositive:1,flexShrink:1,flexNegative:1,flexOrder:1,gridRow:1,gridRowEnd:1,gridRowSpan:1,gridRowStart:1,gridColumn:1,gridColumnEnd:1,gridColumnSpan:1,gridColumnStart:1,msGridRow:1,msGridRowSpan:1,msGridColumn:1,msGridColumnSpan:1,fontWeight:1,lineHeight:1,opacity:1,order:1,orphans:1,tabSize:1,widows:1,zIndex:1,zoom:1,WebkitLineClamp:1,fillOpacity:1,floodOpacity:1,stopOpacity:1,strokeDasharray:1,strokeDashoffset:1,strokeMiterlimit:1,strokeOpacity:1,strokeWidth:1},p1=`You have illegal escape sequence in your template literal, most likely inside content' s property value .
Because you write your CSS inside a JavaScript string you actually have to do double escaping , so for example "content: '\\00d7';" should become "content: '\\\\00d7';" .
You can read more about this here :
https : //developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals#ES2018_revision_of_illegal_escape_sequences`,I3="You have passed in falsy value as style object's key (can happen when in example you pass unexported component as computed key).",N3=/[A-Z]|^ms/g,_2=/_EMO_([^_]+?)_([^]*?)_EMO_/g,c0=function(e){return e.charCodeAt(1)===45},f1=function(e){return e!=null&&typeof e!="boolean"},Fu=b2(function(e){return c0(e)?e:e.replace(N3,"-$&").toLowerCase()}),ni=function(e,t){switch(e){case"animation":case"animationName":if(typeof t=="string")return t.replace(_2,function(n,r,a){return Jt={name:r,styles:a,next:Jt},r})}return $3[e]!==1&&!c0(e)&&typeof t=="number"&&t!==0?t+"px":t};m1=/(var|attr|counters?|url|element|(((repeating-)?(linear|radial))|conic)-gradient)\(|(no-)?(open|close)-quote/,g1=["normal","none","initial","inherit","unset"],h1=ni,y1=/^-ms-/,v1=/-(.)/g,Ru={},ni=function(e,t){if(e==="content"&&(typeof t!="string"||g1.indexOf(t)===-1&&!m1.test(t)&&(t.charAt(0)!==t.charAt(t.length-1)||t.charAt(0)!=='"'&&t.charAt(0)!=="'")))throw new Error("You seem to be using a value for 'content' without quotes, try replacing it with `content: '\""+t+"\"'`");var n=h1(e,t);return n!==""&&!c0(e)&&e.indexOf("-")!==-1&&Ru[e]===void 0&&(Ru[e]=!0,console.error("Using kebab-case for css properties in objects is not supported. Did you mean "+e.replace(y1,"ms-").replace(v1,function(r,a){return a.toUpperCase()})+"?")),n};var m1,g1,h1,y1,v1,Ru,O2="Component selectors can only be used in conjunction with @emotion/babel-plugin, the swc Emotion plugin, or another Emotion-aware compiler transform.";function vo(e,t,n){if(n==null)return"";if(n.__emotion_styles!==void 0){if(n.toString()==="NO_COMPONENT_SELECTOR")throw new Error(O2);return n}switch(typeof n){case"boolean":return"";case"object":{if(n.anim===1)return Jt={name:n.name,styles:n.styles,next:Jt},n.name;if(n.styles!==void 0){var r=n.next;if(r!==void 0)for(;r!==void 0;)Jt={name:r.name,styles:r.styles,next:Jt},r=r.next;var a=n.styles+";";return n.map!==void 0&&(a+=n.map),a}return P3(e,t,n)}case"function":{if(e!==void 0){var o=Jt,i=n(e);return Jt=o,vo(e,t,i)}else console.error("Functions that are interpolated in css calls will be stringified.\nIf you want to have a css call based on props, create a function that returns a css call like this\nlet dynamicStyle = (props) => css`color: ${props.color}`\nIt can be called directly with props or interpolated in a styled call like this\nlet SomeComponent = styled('div')`${dynamicStyle}`");break}case"string":var s=[],u=n.replace(_2,function(d,m,f){var p="animation"+s.length;return s.push("const "+p+" = keyframes`"+f.replace(/^@keyframes animation-\w+/,"")+"`"),"${"+p+"}"});s.length&&console.error("`keyframes` output got interpolated into plain string, please wrap it with `css`.\n\nInstead of doing this:\n\n"+[].concat(s,["`"+u+"`"]).join(`
` )+ `
You should wrap it with \ ` css \` like this:
` +("css ` "+u+" ` "));break}if(t==null)return n;var c=t[n];return c!==void 0?c:n}function P3(e,t,n){var r="";if(Array.isArray(n))for(var a=0;a<n.length;a++)r+=vo(e,t,n[a])+";";else for(var o in n){var i=n[o];if(typeof i!="object")t!=null&&t[i]!==void 0?r+=o+"{"+t[i]+"}":f1(i)&&(r+=Fu(o)+":"+ni(o,i)+";");else{if(o==="NO_COMPONENT_SELECTOR")throw new Error(O2);if(Array.isArray(i)&&typeof i[0]=="string"&&(t==null||t[i[0]]===void 0))for(var s=0;s<i.length;s++)f1(i[s])&&(r+=Fu(o)+":"+ni(o,i[s])+";");else{var u=vo(e,t,i);switch(o){case"animation":case"animationName":{r+=Fu(o)+":"+u+";";break}default:o==="undefined"&&console.error(I3),r+=o+"{"+u+"}"}}}}return r}var b1=/label: \s *([^ \s ; \n {]+) \s *(;| $ )/g,T2;T2=/ \/ \* # \s sourceMappingURL=data:application \/ json; \S + \s + \* \/ /g;var Jt,sa=function(e,t,n){if(e.length===1&&typeof e[0]=="object"&&e[0]!==null&&e[0].styles!==void 0)return e[0];var r=!0,a="";Jt=void 0;var o=e[0];o==null||o.raw===void 0?(r=!1,a+=vo(n,t,o)):(o[0]===void 0&&console.error(p1),a+=o[0]);for(var i=1;i<e.length;i++)a+=vo(n,t,e[i]),r&&(o[i]===void 0&&console.error(p1),a+=o[i]);var s;a=a.replace(T2,function(m){return s=m,""}),b1.lastIndex=0;for(var u="",c;(c=b1.exec(a))!==null;)u+="-"+c[1];var d=B3(a)+u;return{name:d,styles:a,map:s,next:Jt,toString:function(){return"You have tried to stringify object returned from ` css ` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the ` className ` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of ` css ` prop)."}}},j3={}.hasOwnProperty,d0=k.createContext(typeof HTMLElement<"u"?D3({key:"css"}):null);d0.displayName="EmotionCacheContext";d0.Provider;var Zi=function(e){return k.forwardRef(function(t,n){var r=k.useContext(d0);return e(t,r,n)})},Jn=k.createContext({});Jn.displayName="EmotionThemeContext";var H3=function(){return k.useContext(Jn)},Z3=function(e,t){if(typeof t=="function"){var n=t(e);if(n==null||typeof n!="object"||Array.isArray(n))throw new Error("[ThemeProvider] Please return an object from your theme function, i.e. theme={() => ({})}!");return n}if(t==null||typeof t!="object"||Array.isArray(t))throw new Error("[ThemeProvider] Please make your theme prop a plain object");return Qn({},e,t)},z3=s1(function(e){return s1(function(t){return Z3(e,t)})}),F2=function(e){var t=k.useContext(Jn);return e.theme!==t&&(t=z3(t)(e.theme)),k.createElement(Jn.Provider,{value:t},e.children)},E1="__EMOTION_TYPE_PLEASE_DO_NOT_USE__",x1="__EMOTION_LABEL_PLEASE_DO_NOT_USE__",V3=function(e){var t=e.cache,n=e.serialized,r=e.isStringTag;return ji(t,n,r),r0(function(){return Hi(t,n,r)}),null},U3=Zi(function(e,t,n){var r=e.css;typeof r=="string"&&t.registered[r]!==void 0&&(r=t.registered[r]);var a=e[E1],o=[r],i="";typeof e.className=="string"?i=s0(t.registered,o,e.className):e.className!=null&&(i=e.className+" ");var s=sa(o,void 0,k.useContext(Jn));if(s.name.indexOf("-")===-1){var u=e[x1];u&&(s=sa([s,"label:"+u+";"]))}i+=t.key+"-"+s.name;var c={};for(var d in e)j3.call(e,d)&&d!=="css"&&d!==E1&&d!==x1&&(c[d]=e[d]);return c.ref=n,c.className=i,k.createElement(k.Fragment,null,k.createElement(V3,{cache:t,serialized:s,isStringTag:typeof a=="string"}),k.createElement(a,c))});U3.displayName="EmotionCssPropInternal";d2(v2());var q3={name:"@emotion/react",version:"11.11.1",main:"dist/emotion-react.cjs.js",module:"dist/emotion-react.esm.js",browser:{"./dist/emotion-react.esm.js":"./dist/emotion-react.browser.esm.js"},exports:{".":{module:{worker:"./dist/emotion-react.worker.esm.js",browser:"./dist/emotion-react.browser.esm.js",default:"./dist/emotion-react.esm.js"},import:"./dist/emotion-react.cjs.mjs",default:"./dist/emotion-react.cjs.js"},"./jsx-runtime":{module:{worker:"./jsx-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-runtime.worker.esm.js",browser:"./jsx-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-runtime.browser.esm.js",default:"./jsx-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-runtime.esm.js"},import:"./jsx-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-runtime.cjs.mjs",default:"./jsx-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-runtime.cjs.js"},"./_isolated-hnrs":{module:{worker:"./_isolated-hnrs/dist/emotion-react-_isolated-hnrs.worker.
Because you write your CSS inside a JavaScript string you actually have to do double escaping , so for example "content: '\\00d7';" should become "content: '\\\\00d7';" .
You can read more about this here :
https : //developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals#ES2018_revision_of_illegal_escape_sequences`,e4=function(e){var t=e.cache,n=e.serialized,r=e.isStringTag;return ji(t,n,r),r0(function(){return Hi(t,n,r)}),null},t4=function e(t,n){if(t===void 0)throw new Error(`You are trying to create a styled element with an undefined component.
You may have forgotten to import it . ` );var r=t.__emotion_real===t,a=r&&t.__emotion_base||t,o,i;n!==void 0&&(o=n.label,i=n.target);var s=A1(t,n,r),u=s||C1(a),c=!u("as");return function(){var d=arguments,m=r&&t.__emotion_styles!==void 0?t.__emotion_styles.slice(0):[];if(o!==void 0&&m.push("label:"+o+";"),d[0]==null||d[0].raw===void 0)m.push.apply(m,d);else{d[0][0]===void 0&&console.error(k1),m.push(d[0][0]);for(var f=d.length,p=1;p<f;p++)d[0][p]===void 0&&console.error(k1),m.push(d[p],d[0][p])}var y=Zi(function(g,w,h){var v=c&&g.as||a,b="",E=[],x=g;if(g.theme==null){x={};for(var S in g)x[S]=g[S];x.theme=k.useContext(Jn)}typeof g.className=="string"?b=s0(w.registered,E,g.className):g.className!=null&&(b=g.className+" ");var A=sa(m.concat(E),w.registered,x);b+=w.key+"-"+A.name,i!==void 0&&(b+=" "+i);var C=c&&s===void 0?C1(v):u,T={};for(var O in g)c&&O==="as"||C(O)&&(T[O]=g[O]);return T.className=b,T.ref=h,k.createElement(k.Fragment,null,k.createElement(e4,{cache:w,serialized:A,isStringTag:typeof v=="string"}),k.createElement(v,T))});return y.displayName=o!==void 0?o:"Styled("+(typeof a=="string"?a:a.displayName||a.name||"Component")+")",y.defaultProps=t.defaultProps,y.__emotion_real=y,y.__emotion_base=a,y.__emotion_styles=m,y.__emotion_forwardProp=s,Object.defineProperty(y,"toString",{value:function(){return i===void 0?"NO_COMPONENT_SELECTOR":"."+i}}),y.withComponent=function(g,w){return e(g,Qn({},n,w,{shouldForwardProp:A1(y,w,!0)})).apply(void 0,m)},y}},n4=["a","abbr","address","area","article","aside","audio","b","base","bdi","bdo","big","blockquote","body","br","button","canvas","caption","cite","code","col","colgroup","data","datalist","dd","del","details","dfn","dialog","div","dl","dt","em","embed","fieldset","figcaption","figure","footer","form","h1","h2","h3","h4","h5","h6","head","header","hgroup","hr","html","i","iframe","img","input","ins","kbd","keygen","label","legend","li","link","main","map","mark","marquee","menu","menuitem","meta","meter","nav","noscript","object","ol","optgroup","option","output","p","param","picture","pre","progress","q","rp","rt","ruby","s","samp","script","section","select","small","source","span","strong","style","sub","summary","sup","table","tbody","td","textarea","tfoot","th","thead","time","title","tr","track","u","ul","var","video","wbr","circle","clipPath","defs","ellipse","foreignObject","g","image","line","linearGradient","mask","path","pattern","polygon","polyline","radialGradient","rect","stop","svg","text","tspan"],_=t4.bind();n4.forEach(function(e){_[e]=_(e)});var r4=Rr(1)(({typography:e})=>({body:{fontFamily:e.fonts.base,fontSize:e.size.s3,margin:0,WebkitFontSmoothing:"antialiased",MozOsxFontSmoothing:"grayscale",WebkitTapHighlightColor:"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",WebkitOverflowScrolling:"touch"},"*":{boxSizing:"border-box"},"h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6":{fontWeight:e.weight.regular,margin:0,padding:0},"button, input, textarea, select":{fontFamily:"inherit",fontSize:"inherit",boxSizing:"border-box"},sub:{fontSize:"0.8em",bottom:"-0.2em"},sup:{fontSize:"0.8em",top:"-0.2em"},"b, strong":{fontWeight:e.weight.bold},hr:{border:"none",borderTop:"1px solid silver",clear:"both",marginBottom:"1.25rem"},code:{fontFamily:e.fonts.mono,WebkitFontSmoothing:"antialiased",MozOsxFontSmoothing:"grayscale",display:"inline-block",paddingLeft:2,paddingRight:2,verticalAlign:"baseline",color:"inherit"},pre:{fontFamily:e.fonts.mono,WebkitFontSmoothing:"antialiased",MozOsxFontSmoothing:"grayscale",lineHeight:"18px",padding:"11px 1rem",whiteSpace:"pre-wrap",color:"inherit",borderRadius:3,margin:"1rem 0"}}));Rr(1)(({color:e,background:t,typography:n})=>{let r=r4({typography:n});return{...r,body:{...r.body,color:e.defaultText,background:t.app,overflow:"hidden"},hr:{...r.hr,borderTop: ` 1 px solid $ { e . border } ` }}});var a4={rubber:"cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.335, 1.05)"},o4=_a `
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[ ] { ` +Math.min.apply(Math,a)+"}","g");r=r.map(function(s){return s.replace(o, `
` )})}r[0]=r[0].replace(/^ \r ? \n /,"");var i=r[0];return t.forEach(function(s,u){var c=i.match(/(?:^| \n )( *) $ /),d=c?c[1]:"",m=s;typeof s=="string"&&s.includes( `
` )&&(m=String(s).split( `
` ).map(function(f,p){return p===0?f:""+d+f}).join( `
` )),i+=m+r[u+1]}),i}var S4=e=>{if(!e)return $ s(ei);let t=x4(ei,e);return Object.keys(t).length&&Xv.warn(w4 `
Your theme is missing properties , you should update your theme !
theme - data missing :
` ,t), $ s(e)},Is="/* emotion-disable-server-rendering-unsafe-selector-warning-please-do-not-use-this-the-warning-exists-for-a-reason */";function Ke(){return Ke=Object.assign?Object.assign.bind():function(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var n=arguments[t];for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(e[r]=n[r])}return e},Ke.apply(this,arguments)}function f0(e,t){if(e==null)return{};var n={},r=Object.keys(e),a,o;for(o=0;o<r.length;o++)a=r[o],!(t.indexOf(a)>=0)&&(n[a]=e[a]);return n}var C4=Object.create,D2=Object.defineProperty,A4=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,M2=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,k4=Object.getPrototypeOf,_4=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,U=(e,t)=>function(){return t||(0,e[M2(e)[0]])((t={exports:{}}).exports,t),t.exports},O4=(e,t,n,r)=>{if(t&&typeof t=="object"||typeof t=="function")for(let a of M2(t))!_4.call(e,a)&&a!==n&&D2(e,a,{get:()=>t[a],enumerable:!(r=A4(t,a))||r.enumerable});return e},ft=(e,t,n)=>(n=e!=null?C4(k4(e)):{},O4(t||!e||!e.__esModule?D2(n,"default",{value:e,enumerable:!0}):n,e)),T4=U({"../../node_modules/refractor/lang/markdown.js"(e,t){t.exports=n,n.displayName="markdown",n.aliases=["md"];function n(r){(function(a){var o=/(?: \\ .|[^ \\ \n \r ]|(?: \n | \r \n ?)(?![ \r \n ]))/.source;function i(y){return y=y.replace(/<inner>/g,function(){return o}),RegExp(/((?:^|[^ \\ ])(?: \\ {2})*)/.source+"(?:"+y+")")}var s=/(?: \\ .| ` ` (?:[^ ` \ r \ n ] | ` (?! ` ) ) + ` ` | ` [^ ` \ r \ n ] + ` |[^ \\ | \r \n ` ] ) + /.source,u=/ \ | ? _ _ ( ? : \ | _ _ ) + \ | ? ( ? : ( ? : \ n | \ r \ n ? ) | ( ? ! [ \ s \ S ] ) ) / . source . replace ( /__/g , function ( ) { return s } ) , c = /\|?[ \t]*:?-{3,}:?[ \t]*(?:\|[ \t]*:?-{3,}:?[ \t]*)+\|?(?:\n|\r\n?)/ . source ; a . languages . markdown = a . languages . extend ( "markup" , { } ) , a . languages . insertBefore ( "markdown" , "prolog" , { "front-matter-block" : { pattern : /(^(?:\s*[\r\n])?)---(?!.)[\s\S]*?[\r\n]---(?!.)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { punctuation : /^---|---$/ , "front-matter" : { pattern : /\S+(?:\s+\S+)*/ , alias : [ "yaml" , "language-yaml" ] , inside : a . languages . yaml } } } , blockquote : { pattern : /^>(?:[\t ]*>)*/m , alias : "punctuation" } , table : { pattern : RegExp ( "^" + u + c + "(?:" + u + ")*" , "m" ) , inside : { "table-data-rows" : { pattern : RegExp ( "^(" + u + c + ")(?:" + u + ")*$" ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { "table-data" : { pattern : RegExp ( s ) , inside : a . languages . markdown } , punctuation : /\|/ } } , "table-line" : { pattern : RegExp ( "^(" + u + ")" + c + "$" ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { punctuation : /\||:?-{3,}:?/ } } , "table-header-row" : { pattern : RegExp ( "^" + u + "$" ) , inside : { "table-header" : { pattern : RegExp ( s ) , alias : "important" , inside : a . languages . markdown } , punctuation : /\|/ } } } } , code : [ { pattern : /((?:^|\n)[ \t]*\n|(?:^|\r\n?)[ \t]*\r\n?)(?: {4}|\t).+(?:(?:\n|\r\n?)(?: {4}|\t).+)*/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "keyword" } , { pattern : /^```[\s\S]*?^```$/m , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { "code-block" : { pattern : /^(```.*(?:\n|\r\n?))[\s\S]+?(?=(?:\n|\r\n?)^```$)/m , lookbehind : ! 0 } , "code-language" : { pattern : /^(```).+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , punctuation : /```/ } } ] , title : [ { pattern : /\S.*(?:\n|\r\n?)(?:==+|--+)(?=[ \t]*$)/m , alias : "important" , inside : { punctuation : /==+$|--+$/ } } , { pattern : /(^\s*)#.+/m , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "important" , inside : { punctuation : /^#+|#+$/ } } ] , hr : { pattern : /(^\s*)([*-])(?:[\t ]*\2){2,}(?=\s*$)/m , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "punctuation" } , list : { pattern : /(^\s*)(?:[*+-]|\d+\.)(?=[\t ].)/m , lookbehind : ! 0 , alias : "punctuation" } , "url-reference" : { pattern : /!?\[[^\]]+\]:[\t ]+(?:\S+|<(?:\\.|[^>\\])+>)(?:[\t ]+(?:"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\.|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\.|[^)\\])*\)))?/ , inside : { variable : { pattern : /^(!?\[)[^\]]+/ , lookbehind : ! 0 } , string : /(?:"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\.|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\.|[^)\\])*\))$/ , punctuation : /^[\[\]!:]|[<>]/ } , alias : "url" } , bold : { pattern : i ( /\b__(?:(?!_)<inner>|_(?:(?!_)<inner>)+_)+__\b|\*\*(?:(?!\*)<inner>|\*(?:(?!\*)<inner>)+\*)+\*\*/ . source ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { content : { pattern : /(^..)[\s\S]+(?=..$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { } } , punctuation : /\*\*|__/ } } , italic : { pattern : i ( /\b_(?:(?!_)<inner>|__(?:(?!_)<inner>)+__)+_\b|\*(?:(?!\*)<inner>|\*\*(?:(?!\*)<inner>)+\*\*)+\*/ . source ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { content : { pattern : /(^.)[\s\S]+(?=.$)/ , lookbehind : ! 0 , inside : { } } , punctuation : /[*_]/ } } , strike : { pattern : i ( /(~~?)(?:(?!~)<inner>)+\2/ . source ) , lookbehind : ! 0 , greedy : ! 0 , inside : { content : { pattern : / ( ^ ~ ~ ? ) [ \ s \ S ] + ( ? = \
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In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}function P7(e){return B7(e)|| $ 7(e)||I7(e)||N7()}function bo(e){"@babel/helpers - typeof";return bo=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},bo(e)}function j7(e,t){if(bo(e)!=="object"||e===null)return e;var n=e[Symbol.toPrimitive];if(n!==void 0){var r=n.call(e,t||"default");if(bo(r)!=="object")return r;throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")}return(t==="string"?String:Number)(e)}function H7(e){var t=j7(e,"string");return bo(t)==="symbol"?t:String(t)}function V2(e,t,n){return t=H7(t),t in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:n,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=n,e}function _1(e,t){var n=Object.keys(e);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var r=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);t&&(r=r.filter(function(a){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,a).enumerable})),n.push.apply(n,r)}return n}function Hr(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var n=arguments[t]!=null?arguments[t]:{};t%2?_1(Object(n),!0).forEach(function(r){V2(e,r,n[r])}):Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors?Object.defineProperties(e,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)):_1(Object(n)).forEach(function(r){Object.defineProperty(e,r,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n,r))})}return e}function Z7(e){var t=e.length;if(t===0||t===1)return e;if(t===2)return[e[0],e[1],"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[1]),"".concat(e[1],".").concat(e[0])];if(t===3)return[e[0],e[1],e[2],"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[1]),"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[2]),"".concat(e[1],".").concat(e[0]),"".concat(e[1],".").concat(e[2]),"".concat(e[2],".").concat(e[0]),"".concat(e[2],".").concat(e[1]),"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[1],".").concat(e[2]),"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[2],".").concat(e[1]),"".concat(e[1],".").concat(e[0],".").concat(e[2]),"".concat(e[1],".").concat(e[2],".").concat(e[0]),"".concat(e[2],".").concat(e[0],".").concat(e[1]),"".concat(e[2],".").concat(e[1],".").concat(e[0])];if(t>=4)return[e[0],e[1],e[2],e[3],"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[1]),"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[2]),"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[3]),"".concat(e[1],".").concat(e[0]),"".concat(e[1],".").concat(e[2]),"".concat(e[1],".").concat(e[3]),"".concat(e[2],".").concat(e[0]),"".concat(e[2],".").concat(e[1]),"".concat(e[2],".").concat(e[3]),"".concat(e[3],".").concat(e[0]),"".concat(e[3],".").concat(e[1]),"".concat(e[3],".").concat(e[2]),"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[1],".").concat(e[2]),"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[1],".").concat(e[3]),"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[2],".").concat(e[1]),"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[2],".").concat(e[3]),"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[3],".").concat(e[1]),"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[3],".").concat(e[2]),"".concat(e[1],".").concat(e[0],".").concat(e[2]),"".concat(e[1],".").concat(e[0],".").concat(e[3]),"".concat(e[1],".").concat(e[2],".").concat(e[0]),"".concat(e[1],".").concat(e[2],".").concat(e[3]),"".concat(e[1],".").concat(e[3],".").concat(e[0]),"".concat(e[1],".").concat(e[3],".").concat(e[2]),"".concat(e[2],".").concat(e[0],".").concat(e[1]),"".concat(e[2],".").concat(e[0],".").concat(e[3]),"".concat(e[2],".").concat(e[1],".").concat(e[0]),"".concat(e[2],".").concat(e[1],".").concat(e[3]),"".concat(e[2],".").concat(e[3],".").concat(e[0]),"".concat(e[2],".").concat(e[3],".").concat(e[1]),"".concat(e[3],".").concat(e[0],".").concat(e[1]),"".concat(e[3],".").concat(e[0],".").concat(e[2]),"".concat(e[3],".").concat(e[1],".").concat(e[0]),"".concat(e[3],".").concat(e[1],".").concat(e[2]),"".concat(e[3],".").concat(e[2],".").concat(e[0]),"".concat(e[3],".").concat(e[2],".").concat(e[1]),"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[1],".").concat(e[2],".").concat(e[3]),"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[1],".").concat(e[3],".").concat(e[2]),"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[2],".").concat(e[1],".").concat(e[3]),"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[2],".").concat(e[3],".").concat(e[1]),"".concat(e[0],".").concat(e[3],".").concat(e[1],".").concat(e[2]),"".concat(e[0],".").c
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2023-10-11 10:46:14 +03:00
` )};if(O===0){var M=d.slice(f+1,p).concat(Bl({children:[B],className:x.properties.className})),Z=w(M,F);m.push(Z)}else if(O===C.length-1){var I=d[p+1]&&d[p+1].children&&d[p+1].children[0],N={type:"text",value:"".concat(T)};if(I){var z=Bl({children:[N],className:x.properties.className});d.splice(p+1,0,z)}else{var R=[N],L=w(R,F,x.properties.className);m.push(L)}}else{var $ =[B],V=w( $ ,F,x.properties.className);m.push(V)}}),f=p}p++};p<d.length;)h();if(f!==d.length-1){var v=d.slice(f+1,d.length);if(v&&v.length){var b=r&&m.length+o,E=w(v,b);m.push(E)}}return t?m:(c=[]).concat.apply(c,m)}function eb(e){var t=e.rows,n=e.stylesheet,r=e.useInlineStyles;return t.map(function(a,o){return h0({node:a,stylesheet:n,useInlineStyles:r,key:"code-segement".concat(o)})})}function G2(e){return e&&typeof e.highlightAuto<"u"}function tb(e){var t=e.astGenerator,n=e.language,r=e.code,a=e.defaultCodeValue;if(G2(t)){var o=q7(t,n);return n==="text"?{value:a,language:"text"}:o?t.highlight(n,r):t.highlightAuto(r)}try{return n&&n!=="text"?{value:t.highlight(r,n)}:{value:a}}catch{return{value:a}}}function nb(e,t){return function(n){var r=n.language,a=n.children,o=n.style,i=o===void 0?t:o,s=n.customStyle,u=s===void 0?{}:s,c=n.codeTagProps,d=c===void 0?{className:r?"language-".concat(r):void 0,style:en(en({},i['code[class*="language-"]']),i['code[class*="language-'.concat(r,'"]')])}:c,m=n.useInlineStyles,f=m===void 0?!0:m,p=n.showLineNumbers,y=p===void 0?!1:p,g=n.showInlineLineNumbers,w=g===void 0?!0:g,h=n.startingLineNumber,v=h===void 0?1:h,b=n.lineNumberContainerStyle,E=n.lineNumberStyle,x=E===void 0?{}:E,S=n.wrapLines,A=n.wrapLongLines,C=A===void 0?!1:A,T=n.lineProps,O=T===void 0?{}:T,F=n.renderer,B=n.PreTag,M=B===void 0?"pre":B,Z=n.CodeTag,I=Z===void 0?"code":Z,N=n.code,z=N===void 0?(Array.isArray(a)?a[0]:a)||"":N,R=n.astGenerator,L=M7(n,W7);R=R||e;var $ =y?l.createElement(X7,{containerStyle:b,codeStyle:d.style||{},numberStyle:x,startingLineNumber:v,codeString:z}):null,V=i.hljs||i['pre[class*="language-"]']||{backgroundColor:"#fff"},G=G2(R)?"hljs":"prismjs",Q=f?Object.assign({},L,{style:Object.assign({},V,u)}):Object.assign({},L,{className:L.className?"".concat(G," ").concat(L.className):G,style:Object.assign({},u)});if(C?d.style=en(en({},d.style),{},{whiteSpace:"pre-wrap"}):d.style=en(en({},d.style),{},{whiteSpace:"pre"}),!R)return l.createElement(M,Q, $ ,l.createElement(I,d,z));(S===void 0&&F||C)&&(S=!0),F=F||eb;var J=[{type:"text",value:z}],j=tb({astGenerator:R,language:r,code:z,defaultCodeValue:J});j.language===null&&(j.value=J);var W=j.value.length+v,K=J7(j,S,O,y,w,v,W,x,C);return l.createElement(M,Q,l.createElement(I,d,!w&& $ ,F({rows:K,stylesheet:i,useInlineStyles:f})))}}var y0=ft(o7()),v0=nb(y0.default,{});v0.registerLanguage=function(e,t){return y0.default.register(t)};v0.alias=function(e,t){return y0.default.alias(e,t)};var mt=v0,rb=_.div(({theme:e})=>({position:"absolute",bottom:0,right:0,maxWidth:"100%",display:"flex",background:e.background.content,zIndex:1})),K2=_.button(({theme:e})=>({margin:0,border:"0 none",padding:"4px 10px",cursor:"pointer",display:"flex",alignItems:"center",color:e.color.defaultText,background:e.background.content,fontSize:12,lineHeight:"16px",fontFamily:e.typography.fonts.base,fontWeight:e.typography.weight.bold,borderTop: ` 1 px solid $ { e . appBorderColor } ` ,borderLeft: ` 1 px solid $ { e . appBorderColor } ` ,marginLeft:-1,borderRadius:"4px 0 0 0","&:not(:last-child)":{borderRight: ` 1 px solid $ { e . appBorderColor } ` },"& + *":{borderLeft: ` 1 px solid $ { e . appBorderColor } ` ,borderRadius:0},"&:focus":{boxShadow: ` $ { e . color . secondary } 0 - 3 px 0 0 inset ` ,outline:"0 none"}}),({disabled:e})=>e&&{cursor:"not-allowed",opacity:.5});K2.displayName="ActionButton";var b0=({actionItems:e,...t})=>l.createElement(rb,{...t},e.map(({title:n,className:r,onClick:a,disabled:o},i)=>l.createElement(K2,{key:i,className:r,onClick:a,disabled:o},n))),ab=k.lazy(()=>wn(()=>import("./GlobalScrollAreaStyles-UY5SB7EJ-e9559290.js"),["./GlobalScrollAreaStyles-UY5SB7EJ-e9559290.js","./iframe-c002aa37.js","./_commonjsHelpers-725317a4.js","./index-d37d4223.js","./index-f073aaf1.
2023-10-11 10:29:52 +03:00
* @ license React
* scheduler . production . min . js
* Copyright ( c ) Facebook , Inc . and its affiliates .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* / ( f u n c t i o n ( e ) { f u n c t i o n t ( R , L ) { v a r $ = R . l e n g t h ; R . p u s h ( L ) ; e : f o r ( ; 0 < $ ; ) { v a r V = $ - 1 > > > 1 , G = R [ V ] ; i f ( 0 < a ( G , L ) ) R [ V ] = L , R [ $ ] = G , $ = V ; e l s e b r e a k e } } f u n c t i o n n ( R ) { r e t u r n R . l e n g t h = = = 0 ? n u l l : R [ 0 ] } f u n c t i o n r ( R ) { i f ( R . l e n g t h = = = 0 ) r e t u r n n u l l ; v a r L = R [ 0 ] , $ = R . p o p ( ) ; i f ( $ ! = = L ) { R [ 0 ] = $ ; e : f o r ( v a r V = 0 , G = R . l e n g t h , Q = G > > > 1 ; V < Q ; ) { v a r J = 2 * ( V + 1 ) - 1 , j = R [ J ] , W = J + 1 , K = R [ W ] ; i f ( 0 > a ( j , $ ) ) W < G & & 0 > a ( K , j ) ? ( R [ V ] = K , R [ W ] = $ , V = W ) : ( R [ V ] = j , R [ J ] = $ , V = J ) ; e l s e i f ( W < G & & 0 > a ( K , $ ) ) R [ V ] = K , R [ W ] = $ , V = W ; e l s e b r e a k e } } r e t u r n L } f u n c t i o n a ( R , L ) { v a r $ = R . s o r t I n d e x - L . s o r t I n d e x ; r e t u r n $ ! = = 0 ? $ : R . i d - L . i d } i f ( t y p e o f p e r f o r m a n c e = = " o b j e c t " & & t y p e o f p e r f o r m a n c e . n o w = = " f u n c t i o n " ) { v a r o = p e r f o r m a n c e ; e . u n s t a b l e _ n o w = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n o . n o w ( ) } } e l s e { v a r i = D a t e , s = i . n o w ( ) ; e . u n s t a b l e _ n o w = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n i . n o w ( ) - s } } v a r u = [ ] , c = [ ] , d = 1 , m = n u l l , f = 3 , p = ! 1 , y = ! 1 , g = ! 1 , w = t y p e o f s e t T i m e o u t = = " f u n c t i o n " ? s e t T i m e o u t : n u l l , h = t y p e o f c l e a r T i m e o u t = = " f u n c t i o n " ? c l e a r T i m e o u t : n u l l , v = t y p e o f s e t I m m e d i a t e < " u " ? s e t I m m e d i a t e : n u l l ; t y p e o f n a v i g a t o r < " u " & & n a v i g a t o r . s c h e d u l i n g ! = = v o i d 0 & & n a v i g a t o r . s c h e d u l i n g . i s I n p u t P e n d i n g ! = = v o i d 0 & & n a v i g a t o r . s c h e d u l i n g . i s I n p u t P e n d i n g . b i n d ( n a v i g a t o r . s c h e d u l i n g ) ; f u n c t i o n b ( R ) { f o r ( v a r L = n ( c ) ; L ! = = n u l l ; ) { i f ( L . c a l l b a c k = = = n u l l ) r ( c ) ; e l s e i f ( L . s t a r t T i m e < = R ) r ( c ) , L . s o r t I n d e x = L . e x p i r a t i o n T i m e , t ( u , L ) ; e l s e b r e a k ; L = n ( c ) } } f u n c t i o n E ( R ) { i f ( g = ! 1 , b ( R ) , ! y ) i f ( n ( u ) ! = = n u l l ) y = ! 0 , N ( x ) ; e l s e { v a r L = n ( c ) ; L ! = = n u l l & & z ( E , L . s t a r t T i m e - R ) } } f u n c t i o n x ( R , L ) { y = ! 1 , g & & ( g = ! 1 , h ( C ) , C = - 1 ) , p = ! 0 ; v a r $ = f ; t r y { f o r ( b ( L ) , m = n ( u ) ; m ! = = n u l l & & ( ! ( m . e x p i r a t i o n T i m e > L ) | | R & & ! F ( ) ) ; ) { v a r V = m . c a l l b a c k ; i f ( t y p e o f V = = " f u n c t i o n " ) { m . c a l l b a c k = n u l l , f = m . p r i o r i t y L e v e l ; v a r G = V ( m . e x p i r a t i o n T i m e < = L ) ; L = e . u n s t a b l e _ n o w ( ) , t y p e o f G = = " f u n c t i o n " ? m . c a l l b a c k = G : m = = = n ( u ) & & r ( u ) , b ( L ) } e l s e r ( u ) ; m = n ( u ) } i f ( m ! = = n u l l ) v a r Q = ! 0 ; e l s e { v a r J = n ( c ) ; J ! = = n u l l & & z ( E , J . s t a r t T i m e - L ) , Q = ! 1 } r e t u r n Q } f i n a l l y { m = n u l l , f = $ , p = ! 1 } } v a r S = ! 1 , A = n u l l , C = - 1 , T = 5 , O = - 1 ; f u n c t i o n F ( ) { r e t u r n ! ( e . u n s t a b l e _ n o w ( ) - O < T ) } f u n c t i o n B ( ) { i f ( A ! = = n u l l ) { v a r R = e . u n s t a b l e _ n o w ( ) ; O = R ; v a r L = ! 0 ; t r y { L = A ( ! 0 , R ) } f i n a l l y { L ? M ( ) : ( S = ! 1 , A = n u l l ) } } e l s e S = ! 1 } v a r M ; i f ( t y p e o f v = = " f u n c t i o n " ) M = f u n c t i o n ( ) { v ( B ) } ; e l s e i f ( t y p e o f M e s s a g e C h a n n e l < " u " ) { v a r Z = n e w M e s s a g e C h a n n e l , I = Z . p o r t 2 ; Z . p o r t 1 . o n m e s s a g e = B , M = f u n c t i o n ( ) { I . p o s t M e s s a g e ( n u l l ) } } e l s e M = f u n c t i o n ( ) { w ( B , 0 ) } ; f u n c t i o n N ( R ) { A = R , S | | ( S = ! 0 , M ( ) ) } f u n c t i o n z ( R , L ) { C = w ( f u n c t i o n ( ) { R ( e . u n s t a b l e _ n o w ( ) ) } , L ) } e . u n s t a b l e _ I d l e P r i o r i t y = 5 , e . u n s t a b l e _ I m m e d i a t e P r i o r i t y = 1 , e . u n s t a b l e _ L o w P r i o r i t y = 4 , e . u n s t a b l e _ N o r m a l P r i o r i t y = 3 , e . u n s t a b l e _ P r o f i l i n g = n u l l , e . u n s t a b l e _ U s e r B l o c k i n g P r i o r i t y = 2 , e . u n s t a b l e _ c a n c e l C a l l b a c k = f u n c t i o n ( R ) { R . c a l l b a c k = n u l l } , e . u n s t a b l e _ c o n t i n u e E x e c u t i o n = f u n c t i o n ( ) { y | | p | | ( y = ! 0 , N ( x ) ) } , e . u n s t a b l e _ f o r c e F r a m e R a t e = f u n c t i o n ( R ) { 0 > R | | 1 2 5 < R ? c o n s o l e . e r r o r ( " f o r c e F r a m e R a t e t a k e s a p o s i t i v e i n t b e t w e e n 0 a n d 1 2 5 , f o r c i n g f r a m e r a t e s h i g h e r t h a n 1 2 5 f p s i s n o t s u p p o r t e d " ) : T = 0 < R ? M a t h . f l o o r ( 1 e 3 / R ) : 5 } , e . u n s t a b l e _ g e t C u r r e n t P r i o r i t y L e v e l = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n f } , e . u n s t a b l e _ g e t F i r s t C a l l b a c k N o d e = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n n ( u ) } , e . u n s t a b l e _ n e x t = f u n c t i o n ( R ) { s w i t c h ( f ) { c a s e 1 : c a s e 2 : c a s e 3 : v a r L = 3 ; b r e a k ; d e f a u l t : L = f } v a r $ = f ; f = L ; t r y { r e t u r n R ( ) } f i n a l l y { f = $ } } , e . u n s t a b l e _ p a u s e E x e c u t i o n = f u n c t i o n ( ) { } , e . u n s t a b l e _ r e q u e s t P a i n t = f u n c t i o n ( ) { } , e . u n s t a b l e _ r u n W i t h P r i o r i t y = f u n c t i o n ( R , L ) { s w i t c h ( R ) { c a s e 1 : c a s e 2 : c a s e 3 : c a s e 4 : c a s e 5 : b r e a k ; d e f a u l t : R = 3 } v a r $ = f ; f = R ; t r y { r e t u r n L ( ) } f i n a l l y { f = $ } } , e . u n s t a b l e _ s c h e d u l e C a l l b a c k = f u n c t i o n ( R , L , $ ) { v a r V = e . u n s t a b l e _ n o w ( ) ; s w i t c h ( t y p e o f $ = = " o b j e c t " & & $ ! = = n u l l ? ( $ = $ . d e l a y , $ = t y p e o f $ = = " n u m b e r " & & 0 < $ ? V + $ : V ) : $ = V , R ) { c a s e 1 : v a r G = - 1 ; b r e a k ; c a s e 2 : G = 2 5 0 ; b r e a k ; c a s e 5 : G = 1 0 7 3 7 4 1 8 2 3 ; b r e a k ; c a s e 4 : G = 1 e 4 ; b r e a k ; d e f a u l t : G = 5 e 3 } r e t u r n G = $ + G , R = { i d : d + + , c a l l b a c k : L , p r i o r i t y L e v e l : R , s t a r t T i m e : $ , e x p i r a t i o n T i m e : G , s o r t I n d e x : - 1 } , $ > V ? ( R . s o r t I n d e x = $ , t ( c , R ) , n ( u ) = = = n u l l & & R = = = n ( c ) & & ( g ? ( h ( C ) , C = - 1 ) : g = ! 0 , z ( E , $ - V ) ) ) : ( R . s o r t I n d e x = G , t ( u , R ) , y | | p | | ( y = ! 0 , N ( x ) ) ) , R } , e . u n s t a b l e _ s h o u l d Y i e l d = F , e . u n s t a b l e _ w r a p C a l l b a c k = f u n c t i o n ( R ) { v a r L = f ; r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r $ = f ; f = L ; t r y { r e t u r n R . a p p l y ( t h i s , a r g u m e n t s ) } f i n a l l y { f = $ } } } } ) ( e 5 ) ; J 2 . e x p o r t s = e 5 ; v a r y b = J 2 . e x p o r t s ; / * *
* @ license React
* react - dom . production . min . js
* Copyright ( c ) Facebook , Inc . and its affiliates .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* /var t5=k,dt=yb;function D(e){for(var t="https:/ / reactjs . org / docs / error - decoder . html ? invariant = "+e,n=1;n<arguments.length;n++)t+=" & args [ ] = "+encodeURIComponent(arguments[n]);return" Minified React error # "+e+" ; visit "+t+" for the full message or use the non - minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings . "}var n5=new Set,Eo={};function Lr(e,t){ca(e,t),ca(e+" Capture ",t)}function ca(e,t){for(Eo[e]=t,e=0;e<t.length;e++)n5.add(t[e])}var Sn=!(typeof window>" u "||typeof window.document>" u "||typeof window.document.createElement>" u "),Ps=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,vb=/^[:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD][:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\-.0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]*$/,F1={},R1={};function bb(e){return Ps.call(R1,e)?!0:Ps.call(F1,e)?!1:vb.test(e)?R1[e]=!0:(F1[e]=!0,!1)}function Eb(e,t,n,r){if(n!==null&&n.type===0)return!1;switch(typeof t){case" function ":case" symbol ":return!0;case" boolean ":return r?!1:n!==null?!n.acceptsBooleans:(e=e.toLowerCase().slice(0,5),e!==" data - "&&e!==" aria - ");default:return!1}}function xb(e,t,n,r){if(t===null||typeof t>" u "||Eb(e,t,n,r))return!0;if(r)return!1;if(n!==null)switch(n.type){case 3:return!t;case 4:return t===!1;case 5:return isNaN(t);case 6:return isNaN(t)||1>t}return!1}function Ge(e,t,n,r,a,o,i){this.acceptsBooleans=t===2||t===3||t===4,this.attributeName=r,this.attributeNamespace=a,this.mustUseProperty=n,this.propertyName=e,this.type=t,this.sanitizeURL=o,this.removeEmptyString=i}var De={};" children dangerouslySetInnerHTML defaultValue defaultChecked innerHTML suppressContentEditableWarning suppressHydrationWarning style ".split(" ").forEach(function(e){De[e]=new Ge(e,0,!1,e,null,!1,!1)});[[" acceptCharset "," accept - charset "],[" className "," class "],[" htmlFor "," for "],[" httpEquiv "," http - equiv "]].forEach(function(e){var t=e[0];De[t]=new Ge(t,1,!1,e[1],null,!1,!1)});[" contentEditable "," draggable "," spellCheck "," value "].forEach(function(e){De[e]=new Ge(e,2,!1,e.toLowerCase(),null,!1,!1)});[" autoReverse "," externalResourcesRequired "," focusable "," preserveAlpha "].forEach(function(e){De[e]=new Ge(e,2,!1,e,null,!1,!1)});" allowFullScreen async autoFocus autoPlay controls default defer disabled disablePictureInPicture disableRemotePlayback formNoValidate hidden loop noModule noValidate open playsInline readOnly required reversed scoped seamless itemScope ".split(" ").forEach(function(e){De[e]=new Ge(e,3,!1,e.toLowerCase(),null,!1,!1)});[" checked "," multiple "," muted "," selected "].forEach(function(e){De[e]=new Ge(e,3,!0,e,null,!1,!1)});[" capture "," download "].forEach(function(e){De[e]=new Ge(e,4,!1,e,null,!1,!1)});[" cols "," rows "," size "," span "].forEach(function(e){De[e]=new Ge(e,6,!1,e,null,!1,!1)});[" rowSpan "," start "].forEach(function(e){De[e]=new Ge(e,5,!1,e.toLowerCase(),null,!1,!1)});var x0=/[\-:]([a-z])/g;function w0(e){return e[1].toUpperCase()}" accent - height alignment - baseline arabic - form baseline - shift cap - height clip - path clip - rule color - interpolation color - interpolation - filters color - profile color - rendering dominant - baseline enable - background fill - opacity fill - rule flood - color flood - opacity font - family font - size font - size - adjust font - stretch font - style font - variant font - weight glyph - name glyph - orientation - horizontal glyph - orientation - vertical horiz - adv - x horiz - origin - x image - rendering letter - spacing lighting - color marker - end marker - mid marker - start overline - position overline - thickness paint - order panose - 1 pointer - events rendering - intent shape - rendering stop - color stop - opacity strikethrough - position strikethrough - thickness stroke - dasharray stroke - dashoffset stroke - linecap stroke - linejoin stroke - miterlimit stroke - opacity stroke - width text - anchor text - decoration text - rendering underline - position underline - thickness unicode - bidi unicode - range units - per - em v - alphabetic v - hanging v - ideographic v - mathematical vector - effect vert - adv - y vert - origin -
` +Iu+e}var Nu=!1;function Pu(e,t){if(!e||Nu)return"";Nu=!0;var n=Error.prepareStackTrace;Error.prepareStackTrace=void 0;try{if(t)if(t=function(){throw Error()},Object.defineProperty(t.prototype,"props",{set:function(){throw Error()}}),typeof Reflect=="object"&&Reflect.construct){try{Reflect.construct(t,[])}catch(c){var r=c}Reflect.construct(e,[],t)}else{try{t.call()}catch(c){r=c}e.call(t.prototype)}else{try{throw Error()}catch(c){r=c}e()}}catch(c){if(c&&r&&typeof c.stack=="string"){for(var a=c.stack.split( `
` ),o=r.stack.split( `
` ),i=a.length-1,s=o.length-1;1<=i&&0<=s&&a[i]!==o[s];)s--;for(;1<=i&&0<=s;i--,s--)if(a[i]!==o[s]){if(i!==1||s!==1)do if(i--,s--,0>s||a[i]!==o[s]){var u= `
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Error generating stack : ` +o.message+ `
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` &&t!==" ` ")&&(t=null),a&&(e[i]===" / "&&e[i-1]!==" \ \ " || e [ i ] === `
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* Copyright ( c ) 2014 - 2017 , Jon Schlinkert .
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* Lodash ( Custom Build ) < https : //lodash.com/>
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2023-10-11 10:46:14 +03:00
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2023-10-11 10:29:52 +03:00
Please refer to the migration guide : https : //github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#source-block
` ),(c=t.parameters.docs)!=null&&c.transformSource&&Re(Qe ` The \ ` transformSource \` parameter at \` parameters.docs.transformSource \` is deprecated, please use \` parameters.docs.source.transform \` instead.
Please refer to the migration guide : https : //github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#source-block
` ),(d=t.parameters.jsx)!=null&&d.transformSource&&Re(Qe ` The \ ` transformSource \` parameter at \` parameters.jsx.transformSource \` is deprecated, please use \` parameters.docs.source.transform \` instead.
Please refer to the migration guide : https : //github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#source-block
` ),((p=r??o.transform??o.transformSource??((m=t.parameters.docs)==null?void 0:m.transformSource)??((f=t.parameters.jsx)==null?void 0:f.transformSource))==null?void 0:p(s,t))||s},ly=(e,t,n)=>{var p,y,g;let r=e.ids||(e.id?[e.id]:[]),a=Wd(r,t),o=a,{of:i}=e;if("of"in e&&i===void 0)throw new Error("Unexpected ` of = { undefined } ` , did you mistype a CSF file reference?");if(i)o=[t.resolveOf(i,["story"]).story];else if(o.length===0)try{o=[t.storyById()]}catch{}if(!a.every(Boolean))return{error:"Oh no! The source is not available.",state:"none"};let s=((g=(y=(p=o[0])==null?void 0:p.parameters)==null?void 0:y.docs)==null?void 0:g.source)||{},{code:u}=e,c=e.format??s.format,d=e.language??s.language??"jsx",m=e.dark??s.dark??!1;u||(u=o.map((w,h)=>{var x,S;if(!w)return"";let v=t.getStoryContext(w),b=e.__forceInitialArgs?v.initialArgs:v.unmappedArgs,E=QL(w.id,b,n);return h===0&&(c=E.format??((S=(x=w.parameters.docs)==null?void 0:x.source)==null?void 0:S.format)??!1),JL({snippet:E.code,storyContext:{...v,args:b},typeFromProps:e.type,transformFromProps:e.transform})}).join( `
` ));let f=XL(o);return u?{code:u,format:c,language:d,dark:m,state:f}:{error:"Oh no! The source is not available.",state:f}},iy=(e,t)=>{let{id:n,of:r,meta:a,story:o}=e;if("of"in e&&r===void 0)throw new Error("Unexpected ` of = { undefined } ` , did you mistype a CSF file reference?");if(n)return Re(Qe ` Referencing stories by \ ` id \` is deprecated, please use \` of \` instead.
Please refer to the migration guide : https : //github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#story-block'`),n;let{name:i}=e;return i?(Re(Qe`Referencing stories by \`name\` is deprecated, please use \`of\` instead.
Please refer to the migration guide : https : //github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#story-block'`),t.storyIdByName(i)):(o&&Re(Qe`The \`story\` prop is deprecated, please export your stories from CSF files and reference them with \`of={}\`.
Please refer to the migration guide : https : //github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#story-block'`),a&&t.referenceMeta(a,!1),t.resolveOf(r||o||"story",["story"]).story.id)},eD=(e,t,n)=>{let{parameters:r={}}=t||{},{docs:a={}}=r,o=a.story||{};if(a.disable)return null;let{inlineStories:i,iframeHeight:s}=a;typeof i<"u"&&Re(Qe`The \`docs.inlineStories\` parameter is deprecated, use \`docs.story.inline\` instead.
Please refer to the migration guide : https : //github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#autodocs-changes'
` );let u=e.inline??o.inline??i??!1;if(typeof s<"u"&&Re(Qe ` The \ ` docs.iframeHeight \` parameter is deprecated, use \` docs.story.iframeHeight \` instead.
Please refer to the migration guide : https : //github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#autodocs-changes'
` ),u){let d=e.height??o.height,m=e.autoplay??o.autoplay??!1;return{story:t,inline:!0,height:d,autoplay:m,forceInitialArgs:!!e.__forceInitialArgs,primary:!!e.__primary,renderStoryToElement:n.renderStoryToElement}}let c=e.height??o.height??o.iframeHeight??s??"100px";return{story:t,inline:!1,height:c,primary:!!e.__primary}},tD=(e={__forceInitialArgs:!1,__primary:!1})=>{let t=k.useContext(lt),n=iy(e,t),r=GL(n,t);if(!r)return l.createElement(Vd,null);let a=eD(e,r,t);return a?l.createElement(UF,{...a}):null},nD=({withSource:e,mdxSource:t,children:n,layout:r,...a},o,i)=>{let s=k.Children.toArray(n).filter(f=>f.props&&(f.props.id||f.props.name||f.props.of)).map(f=>iy(f.props,o)),u=Wd(s,o),c=u.some(f=>!f),d=ly({...t?{code:decodeURI(t)}:{ids:s},...a.of&&{of:a.of}},o,i);if(e==="none")return{isLoading:c,previewProps:a};let m=r;return k.Children.forEach(n,f=>{var p,y;m||(m=(y=(p=f==null?void 0:f.props)==null?void 0:p.parameters)==null?void 0:y.layout)}),u.forEach(f=>{var p,y;m||!f||(m=(f==null?void 0:f.parameters.layout)??((y=(p=f.parameters.docs)==null?void 0:p.canvas)==null?void 0:y.layout))}),{isLoading:c,previewProps:{...a,layout:m??"padded",withSource:d,isExpanded:(e||d.state)==="open"}}},rD=e=>{var w,h,v,b,E,x,S,A,C,T;let t=k.useContext(lt),n=k.useContext(ay),{children:r,of:a,source:o}=e;if("of"in e&&a===void 0)throw new Error("Unexpected ` of = { undefined } ` , did you mistype a CSF file reference?");let{isLoading:i,previewProps:s}=nD(e,t,n),u,c,d;try{({story:u}=Eu(a||"story",["story"]))}catch(O){r||(d=O)}try{c=ly({...o,...a&&{of:a}},t,n)}catch(O){r||(d=O)}if(d)throw d;if(e.withSource&&Re(Qe ` Setting source state with \ ` withSource \` is deprecated, please use \` sourceState \` with 'hidden', 'shown' or 'none' instead.
Please refer to the migration guide : https : //github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#canvas-block
` ),e.mdxSource&&Re(Qe ` Setting source code with \ ` mdxSource \` is deprecated, please use source={{code: '...'}} instead.
Please refer to the migration guide : https : //github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#canvas-block
` ),(e.isColumn!==void 0||e.columns!==void 0)&&Re(Qe ` \ ` isColumn \` and \` columns \` props are deprecated as the Canvas block now only supports showing a single story.
Please refer to the migration guide : https : //github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#canvas-block
` ),r)return Re(Qe ` Passing children to Canvas is deprecated , please use the \ ` of \` prop instead to reference a story.
Please refer to the migration guide : https : //github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#canvas-block
` ),i?l.createElement(JF,null):l.createElement(Uc,{...s},r);let m=e.layout??u.parameters.layout??((h=(w=u.parameters.docs)==null?void 0:w.canvas)==null?void 0:h.layout)??"padded",f=e.withToolbar??((b=(v=u.parameters.docs)==null?void 0:v.canvas)==null?void 0:b.withToolbar)??!1,p=e.additionalActions??((x=(E=u.parameters.docs)==null?void 0:E.canvas)==null?void 0:x.additionalActions),y=e.sourceState??((A=(S=u.parameters.docs)==null?void 0:S.canvas)==null?void 0:A.sourceState)??"hidden",g=e.className??((T=(C=u.parameters.docs)==null?void 0:C.canvas)==null?void 0:T.className);return l.createElement(Uc,{withSource:y==="none"?void 0:c,isExpanded:y==="shown",withToolbar:f,additionalActions:p,className:g,layout:m},l.createElement(tD,{of:a||u.moduleExport,meta:e.meta,...e.story}))},aD=(e,t)=>{let n=t.getStoryContext(e),[r,a]=k.useState(n.globals);return k.useEffect(()=>{let o=i=>{a(i.globals)};return t.channel.on(Lf,o),()=>t.channel.off(Lf,o)},[t.channel]),[r]},oD=(e,t)=>{let n=lD(e,t);if(!n)throw new Error("No result when story was defined");return n},lD=(e,t)=>{let n=e?t.getStoryContext(e):{args:{}},{id:r}=e||{id:"none"},[a,o]=k.useState(n.args);k.useEffect(()=>{let u=c=>{c.storyId===r&&o(c.args)};return t.channel.on(Rf,u),()=>t.channel.off(Rf,u)},[r,t.channel]);let i=k.useCallback(u=>t.channel.emit(CF,{storyId:r,updatedArgs:u}),[r,t.channel]),s=k.useCallback(u=>t.channel.emit(AF,{storyId:r,argNames:u}),[r,t.channel]);return e&&[a,i,s]},iD=e=>{var g;let{of:t}=e;if("of"in e&&t===void 0)throw new Error("Unexpected ` of = { undefined } ` , did you mistype a CSF file reference?");let n=k.useContext(lt),{story:r}=n.resolveOf(t||"story",["story"]),{parameters:a,argTypes:o}=r,i=((g=a.docs)==null?void 0:g.controls)||{},s=e.include??i.include,u=e.exclude??i.exclude,c=e.sort??i.sort,[d,m,f]=oD(r,n),[p]=aD(r,n),y=SF(o,s,u);return l.createElement(UL,{rows:y,args:d,globals:p,updateArgs:m,resetArgs:f,sort:c})},{document:uy}=wt,uD=({className:e,children:t,...n})=>{if(typeof e!="string"&&(typeof t!="string"||!t.match(/[ \n \r ]/g)))return l.createElement(xd,null,t);let r=e&&e.split("-");return l.createElement(Zd,{language:r&&r[1]||"plaintext",format:!1,code:t,...n})};function Gd(e,t){e.channel.emit(kF,t)}var Kc=Jg.a,sD=({hash:e,children:t})=>{let n=k.useContext(lt);return l.createElement(Kc,{href:e,target:"_self",onClick:r=>{let a=e.substring(1);uy.getElementById(a)&&Gd(n,e)}},t)},cD=e=>{let{href:t,target:n,children:r,...a}=e,o=k.useContext(lt);if(t){if(t.startsWith("#"))return l.createElement(sD,{hash:t},r);if(n!=="_blank"&&!t.startsWith("https://"))return l.createElement(Kc,{href:t,onClick:i=>{i.button===0&&!i.altKey&&!i.ctrlKey&&!i.metaKey&&!i.shiftKey&&(i.preventDefault(),Gd(o,i.currentTarget.getAttribute("href")))},target:n,...a},r)}return l.createElement(Kc,{...e})},sy=["h1","h2","h3","h4","h5","h6"],dD=sy.reduce((e,t)=>({...e,[t]:_(t)({"& svg":{position:"relative",top:"-0.1em",visibility:"hidden"},"&:hover svg":{visibility:"visible"}})}),{}),pD=_.a(()=>({float:"left",lineHeight:"inherit",paddingRight:"10px",marginLeft:"-24px",color:"inherit"})),fD=({as:e,id:t,children:n,...r})=>{let a=k.useContext(lt),o=dD[e],i= ` # $ { t } ` ;return l.createElement(o,{id:t,...r},l.createElement(pD,{"aria-hidden":"true",href:i,tabIndex:-1,target:"_self",onClick:s=>{uy.getElementById(t)&&Gd(a,i)}},l.createElement(qe,{icon:"link"})),n)},Kd=e=>{let{as:t,id:n,children:r,...a}=e;if(n)return l.createElement(fD,{as:t,id:n,...a},r);let o=t,{as:i,...s}=e;return l.createElement(o,{...ue(s,t)})},mD=sy.reduce((e,t)=>({...e,[t]:n=>l.createElement(Kd,{as:t,...n})}),{}),gD=e=>{var t;if(!e.children)return null;if(typeof e.children!="string")throw new Error(Qe ` The Markdown block only accepts children as a single string , but children were of type : '${typeof e.children}'
This is often caused by not wrapping the child in a template string .
This is invalid :
< Markdown >
# Some heading
A paragraph
< / M a r k d o w n >
Instead do :
< Markdown >
{ \ `
# Some heading
A paragraph
\ ` }
< / M a r k d o w n >
` );return l.createElement(kh,{...e,options:{forceBlock:!0,overrides:{code:uD,a:cD,...mD,...(t=e==null?void 0:e.options)==null?void 0:t.overrides},...e==null?void 0:e.options}})},hD=(e=>(e.INFO="info",e.NOTES="notes",e.DOCGEN="docgen",e.AUTO="auto",e))(hD||{}),Ql="https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#description-block-parametersnotes-and-parametersinfo",yD=e=>e&&(typeof e=="string"?e:Os(e.markdown)||Os(e.text)),vD=e=>e&&(typeof e=="string"?e:Os(e.text)),bD=e=>null,ED=e=>{var t,n,r,a,o,i,s,u;switch(e.type){case"story":return((n=(t=e.story.parameters.docs)==null?void 0:t.description)==null?void 0:n.story)||null;case"meta":{let{parameters:c,component:d}=e.preparedMeta;return((a=(r=c.docs)==null?void 0:r.description)==null?void 0:a.component)||((i=(o=c.docs)==null?void 0:o.extractComponentDescription)==null?void 0:i.call(o,d,{component:d,parameters:c}))||null}case"component":{let{component:c,projectAnnotations:{parameters:d}}=e;return((u=(s=d.docs)==null?void 0:s.extractComponentDescription)==null?void 0:u.call(s,c,{component:c,parameters:d}))||null}default:throw new Error( ` Unrecognized module type resolved from 'useOf' , got : $ { e . type } ` )}},xD=({type:e,markdown:t,children:n},{storyById:r})=>{let{component:a,parameters:o}=r();if(n||t)return n||t;let{notes:i,info:s,docs:u}=o;(i||s)&&Re( ` Using 'parameters.notes' or 'parameters.info' properties to describe stories is deprecated . See $ { Ql } ` );let{extractComponentDescription:c=bD,description:d}=u||{},m=d==null?void 0:d.component;if(m)return m;switch(e){case"info":return vD(s);case"notes":return yD(i);case"docgen":case"auto":default:return c(a,{component:a,...o})}},Yc=e=>{let{of:t,type:n,markdown:r,children:a}=e;if("of"in e&&t===void 0)throw new Error("Unexpected ` of = { undefined } ` , did you mistype a CSF file reference?");let o=k.useContext(lt),i=Eu(t||"meta"),s;return n||r||a?s=xD(e,o):s=ED(i),n&&Re( ` Manually specifying description type is deprecated . See $ { Ql } ` ),r&&Re( ` The 'markdown' prop on the Description block is deprecated . See $ { Ql } ` ),a&&Re( ` The 'children' prop on the Description block is deprecated . See $ { Ql } ` ),s?l.createElement(gD,null,s):null},wD=_.div(({theme:e})=>({width:"10rem","@media (max-width: 768px)":{display:"none"}})),SD=_.div(({theme:e})=>({position:"fixed",top:0,width:"10rem",paddingTop:"4rem",fontFamily:e.typography.fonts.base,fontSize:e.typography.size.s2,WebkitFontSmoothing:"antialiased",MozOsxFontSmoothing:"grayscale",WebkitTapHighlightColor:"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",WebkitOverflowScrolling:"touch","& *":{boxSizing:"border-box"},"& > .toc-wrapper > .toc-list":{paddingLeft:0,borderLeft: ` solid 2 px $ { e . color . mediumlight } ` ,".toc-list":{paddingLeft:0,borderLeft: ` solid 2 px $ { e . color . mediumlight } ` ,".toc-list":{paddingLeft:0,borderLeft: ` solid 2 px $ { e . color . mediumlight } ` }}},"& .toc-list-item":{position:"relative",listStyleType:"none",marginLeft:20,paddingTop:3,paddingBottom:3},"& .toc-list-item::before":{content:'""',position:"absolute",height:"100%",top:0,left:0,transform:"translateX(calc(-2px - 20px))",borderLeft: ` solid 2 px $ { e . color . mediumdark } ` ,opacity:0,transition:"opacity 0.2s"},"& .toc-list-item.is-active-li::before":{opacity:1},"& .toc-list-item > a":{color:e.color.defaultText,textDecoration:"none"},"& .toc-list-item.is-active-li > a":{fontWeight:600,color:e.color.secondary,textDecoration:"none"}})),CD=_.p(({theme:e})=>({fontWeight:600,fontSize:"0.875em",color:e.textColor,textTransform:"uppercase",marginBottom:10})),AD=({title:e})=>e===null?null:typeof e=="string"?l.createElement(CD,null,e):e,kD=({title:e,disable:t,headingSelector:n,contentsSelector:r,ignoreSelector:a,unsafeTocbotOptions:o})=>(k.useEffect(()=>{let i={tocSelector:".toc-wrapper",contentSelector:r??".sbdocs-content",headingSelector:n??"h3",ignoreSelector:a??".skip-toc",headingsOffset:40,scrollSmoothOffset:-40,orderedList:!1,onClick:()=>!1,...o},s=setTimeout(()=>Ff.init(i),100);return()=>{clearTimeout(s),Ff.destroy()}},[t]),l.createElement(l.Fragment,null,l.createElement(wD,null,t?null:l.createElement(SD,null,l.createElement(AD,{title:e||null}),l.createElement("div",{class
The Primary block should only be used to render the primary story , which is automatically found .
` );let n=e&&t.storyIdByName(e),r=t.storyById(n);return r?l.createElement(cy,{of:r.moduleExport,expanded:!1,__primary:!0,withToolbar:!0}):null}, $ D=({children:e,disableAnchor:t,...n})=>{if(t||typeof e!="string")return l.createElement(wd,null,e);let r=e.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi,"-");return l.createElement(Kd,{as:"h2",id:r,...n},e)},ID=_( $ D)(({theme:e})=>({fontSize: ` $ { e . typography . size . s2 - 1 } px ` ,fontWeight:e.typography.weight.bold,lineHeight:"16px",letterSpacing:"0.35em",textTransform:"uppercase",color:e.textMutedColor,border:0,marginBottom:"12px","&:first-of-type":{marginTop:"56px"}})),dy=({title:e,includePrimary:t=!0})=>{let{componentStories:n}=k.useContext(lt),r=n().filter(a=>{var o,i;return!((i=(o=a.parameters)==null?void 0:o.docs)!=null&&i.disable)});return t||(r=r.slice(1)),!r||r.length===0?null:l.createElement(l.Fragment,null,l.createElement(ID,null,e),r.map(a=>a&&l.createElement(cy,{key:a.id,of:a.moduleExport,expanded:!0,__forceInitialArgs:!0})))};dy.defaultProps={title:"Stories"};var ND=()=>{let e=Eu("meta",["meta"]),{stories:t}=e.csfFile,n=Object.keys(t).length===1;return l.createElement(l.Fragment,null,l.createElement(LD,null),l.createElement(DD,null),l.createElement(Yc,{of:"meta"}),n?l.createElement(Yc,{of:"story"}):null,l.createElement(BD,null),l.createElement(iD,null),n?null:l.createElement(dy,null))};function GD({context:e,docsParameter:t}){let n=t.container||TD,r=t.page||ND;return l.createElement(n,{context:e,theme:t.theme},l.createElement(r,null))}var KD=({of:e})=>{let t=k.useContext(lt);e&&t.referenceMeta(e,!0);try{let n=t.storyById();return l.createElement(ny,{storyId:n.id})}catch{return null}};export{cD as A,uD as C,GD as D,Pt as F,W3 as G,mD as H,qe as I,KD as M,l as R,E0 as S,ww as T,j8 as W,ft as _,fg as a,U as b,Y2 as c,tg as d,mw as e,jt as g,Rr as m,_ as n,k as r,VD as s};
2023-10-11 10:46:14 +03:00
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